Marc and Evangeline Vergo

The Ministry of Marc and Evangeline Vergo

7 out of 8 interns are returning!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Marc at 10:27 pm on Thursday, June 24, 2010

The first year of the YearOne internship is over.  God did some amazing things.  Please click on the image to read how to pray.

May Prayer Letter

May Prayer Letter

Thank you for praying: over 1 million students became Christians in 08!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Marc at 5:58 pm on Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Have you wonder what it is I do? This prayer letter is all about the tech side of ministry and how important your prayers are. Thank you for reading it and praying for us. Last year 1,340,834 students indicated a decision to become a Christian through our college and high school ministries. Your prayers for Evangeline and I are a vital link in what God is doing through Campus Crusade for Christ.

I thank God for you,


PS: Annada is a constant source of laughter in our life. She’s just recently learned how to blow raspberries and giggle. You can see short videos of her doing both at her Web site,

Please click on the image to see our prayer letter:

I got foiled!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Marc at 6:08 pm on Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thank you so much for praying for us. We have had a busy month. And it began with a prank. When I returned to work after Annada was born, I found my desk covered in foil!

My co-workers had wrapped every pen and piece of candy in my candy dish individually. They left me a foil “Welcome Back” mat and a to-do list. Every other item on the list was “change baby.” (You can see a picture of my desk below.)

It was a fun start to a serious job. Once I got my computer and chair uncovered, my first day back was also my first day as a Siebel administrator. This additional role is a challenge. I don’t have a background in Siebel, so I am learning as fast as I can. Please pray God gives me the ability to pick up the new job quickly and that this new system will help Campus Crusade overcome some of the problems and limitations of our current donation system.

I try to balance my new role and family by coming home for lunch most days. Annada breaks out in a huge smile when she sees me. It is priceless!

Thank you for praying and caring for our family!


PS: A photographer and friend of ours took some amazing pictures of Annada on Valentine’s Day. To see them, visit

The main page of the site is here:

You can read our prayer letter by clicking on the image:

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